Personal Statement: First Draft

“Radio as we know it is pretty much changing completely” – David Lee Roth
The change in radio is the reason studying it is perfect for me. It is a diverse, fast paced industry which demands the best from you every day, which is exactly what I want to give.
I am already studying a course specialising in radio and it is the best decision I have ever made. I enjoy the creativity and expression, I like that every day is different and every show is your own. You have to make it something special that no-one else has so that people will listen to your show over someone else’s. It is a craft, ideas worked and worked until broadcast, and the moment it goes out, all that effort is worth that 3 minutes sense of achievement. That “I did that” feeling.
At Birmingham Ormiston Academy I studied an Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production and specialised in Radio. Here, outside of my radio orientated lessons where I learnt about News, Music Programming, Speech Based Programming and Advertising, I joined the in house student station team. Initially this was as a Production/Social media role where I helped with show ideas and updated the Facebook and Twitter at events they covered; but eventually progressed to me co-presenting the Breakfast Show. This was from Monday-Friday 8am until 11am and myself and the main presenter produced all of our content that went out on air which included a feature hour entitled “The Flashback” that played songs from the year 2000 to the present day.
To compliment my in-house experience of radio, I completed a work placement at Signal 107 for a week in Wolverhampton. I shadowed the breakfast presenter every morning, and assisted with production research. Whilst I was there, I spent portions of my time with different members of the team at the station to gather an understanding of how a station worked as a whole. As well as this, I went to a location with the breakfast team to assist with a feature for the following week which involved me documenting their activity for use on their social media and website.
My final bit of radio work experience was for Bridge FM in Stourbridge where I featured on a Saturday afternoon show reporting on low league football. All of these experiences have made me certain that I want to work in the radio industry and study the subject further.
Being employed since I was 14 demonstrates my independent personality and desire to achieve. Outside of school I enjoy going swimming, and so took the relevant qualification to assist at my local swimming school with their lessons as a part time job. As well as assisting there I helped my local dance teacher with her “younger years” lessons on a Tuesday evening. This came about after I had been partaking in lessons myself for a number of years with her.
Another part of my volunteering is at my local Brownie unit. Here I help supervise and plan activities for the youngsters from games to crafts. I go on a weekly basis and also assist on trips.
I have worked at a variety of places from shops to restaurants and have demonstrated high standards of commitment to all. From my jobs and my time at school I have learnt how to work effectively in a team and also independently.
My teamwork and independent skills are also developed by my hobbies. These include horse riding, photography and blogging. When riding a horse it is essential I can work in a team with my horse so we do not injure each other, to ensure this communication is essential, as well as the ability to think quickly and adapt to changing, unanticipated situations, which is useful to be able to do when working and learning in a radio environment. For my photography and blogging, working independently, to a personal deadlines is crucial. I must be able to complete certain things in time for publish so they stay relevant to what is happening in the world.
From studying at University I intend to further progress my radio skills and knowledge to a highly professional standard leaving me ready for the workplace. I also hope to gain further contacts to help me achieve this.

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