News Piece Evaluation

Upon production of my news piece, I believe it went well and I wrote the bulletin in an effective manner, which relayed the right information to the audience. I have decided the following could be done to make my next bulletin more successful.

  1. Shorter, more concise stories focussing on only the very important information would make my bulletin more effective and interesting to the listener.
  2. Vox pops, Voicers and clips will make the bulletin more interesting and break up my speaking; people may also be more likely to pay attention if I did this as its easier listening, therefore I intend to include them in the next bulletin.
  3. My bulletin was a local one, so I could try and do a national bulletin as well as another local bulletin and compare the two outcomes to see which was more successful as a finished product.


Overall I think radio news bulletins are an essential part of radio as a product. When the correct regulations are observed, radio news is a great tool for both broadcaster and audience. They provide reliable information to the listener which keeps them up to date with what is going on in their local area or further afield; they also break up the day into bite size pieces in terms of programming.


On the other hand, radio news can hinder a station. The break it provides could be seen as a negative by stations who’s ethos is to focus on the music which they play with minute breaks. However to solve this problem, the bulletin can reflect this by being short and concise and easy to listen to meaning it “fits in” with the rest of the programming.

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