Panda Cheese Never Say No to Panda

Panda Chese is a brand of cheese that is sold in Egypt, and this is where the advertisments were produced for. Never Say No to Panda is the series of advertisments that were created which depicts a panda terrorising anyone who doesnt buy his cheese.

The advertisments are a humorous spoof of “things that could happen” if you didnt buy the cheese. Every time a person says no to buying the cheese, a panda appears and will cause havoc, smashing computers and birthday cakes and tipping over shopping trolleys to the Buddy Holly song “True Love Ways”. This song acts as an identification and association to the product because as soon as I hear it i think of panda cheese and if the song was heard playing fromt the TV then the audience would know which advert was playing.

Each of the adverts are set in an environment that the audience can relate to, in a supermarket, at home, in the park or at work and the product will always be contextualised into the daily life of the characters, and in effect, the audience.  The advert shows “peer pressure” from the panda to persuade the characters of it to buy the cheese, and this is meant to also pursuade the audience to feel the exact same.

There is not alot special abou the editing and camera techniques used on this piece. there are a lot of shot-reverse-shots to show the action and the reaction relationship between the “offender” and the panda but other than this all the editing and camera shots are all linear, continuity shots/edits.

I personally dont quite understand where this advert is going, i think its funny and entertaining to watch and I now think of panda cheese everytime I hear Buddy Holly, however I personally dont feel it is very persuasive at selling the product to me as it doesnt highlight to me what is special about that product.

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