My Starbucks Radio Advertisement

My idea is a shop specific radio ad for Starbucks Coffee. The advertisement would be played regionally across Birmingham advertising their Bullring store. As it is coming up to christmas when we are creating these advertisements I decided to do a season specific advert. Below is my script in which I have written; I have kept it simple as I want the advert to be of easy listening and clear to the audience, and the backing track I intend to use is “Track 35 – Bake a Cake” off of Beds and Beats.


“”Want something to ease the stress of shopping this december?

Join us on second floor of the bullring Birmingham, for freshly ground coffee, all day every day between 7am and 7 pm.

Created specifically for you with our love and passion theres something for everyone this chrismas.

Starbucks, coffee just for you.


Combining these two elements (my voice track recording and the music soundtrack) I have created my finished advertisement with a little bit of editing. Below is the link to my Starbucks Coffee Radio advert.

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