Broadcast Year 1 Reflection

The end of the year has been reached! Today the whole of broadcast sat down and we all reflected on how we think we did.


On a personal note, I believe I worked hard this year and achieved a lot. My confidence in myself and my practise has grown and I am looking forward to starting my final year at BOA.


Did I do enough?


Yes and no. I know I cut some corners on a few things (Don’t tell Mr D that 😉 although I think he already knows) and I probably could have done more in terms of blog work throughout the year – which is what I want to try and improve on next year. However, I feel as though I took full advantage of the radio facilities, as a bright eyed and bushy tailed student arriving in September, that was my main goal and I feel I achieved that completely. This year I co-hosted the breakfast show, and that for me has been the most valuable learning experience of the year. My confidence from that has came on in leaps and bounds considering I was so into radio when I started but so scared to actually go on air.


Can I do more next year?


Potentially I think I could do more in terms of my filming and photography as it seems a waste of my skills to completely ignore them for another year; but for radio, I believe I did just the right amount, if I was to take on anymore I don’t think I would get any class work completed. I tried my hardest to take advantage of the radio opportunities presented to broadcast but would like to try and put myself forward a little more for the TV opportunities as I feel I would learn a lot from them.



This part of my reflection I have completed upon return to BOA in September. This is because over the summer I did a range of different broadcast style activities to practise my skills with and I wanted to see if they would have an impact upon my future goals.


So saying that have my goals changed?


I am unsure. I love radio, there is no doubt about that and it is what brought me here to BOA in the first place. However, the more filing and photography I do, the more I wonder if its what I should continue to do in the future. I have always had a very strong interest in cameras and their uses, so after the summer using them more, I am starting to reconsider my goals and career options. Honestly now I am very confused, so a good sit down and think is in order for me.


What can I do better to improve my chances?


I believe to improve my chances I need to continue to work hard and take advantage of as many opportunities as I can.