The new Touch FM is born

Hands up who was listening to Free Radio for their phantom announcement this morning?  ..I can see a few hands there in the back.

Now hands up those who were listening to Touch FM and Oak FM to see what happened after 65 hours of Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody on repeat? …Yes, I was one of those too!

So finally the moment we have all been waiting for, 10am on Monday 24th March 2014. The end of three days’ worth of Queen on repeat. So did what we expect actually happen? Of course it did.

After an hour or so of ponder and a dabble with another fellow radio head, we came to the conclusion a station similar to Jack FM were coming to the Midlands, and essentially that has happened. For those who didn’t know Touch and Oak already, the stations were ran as so…Breakfast show in a morning, music throughout the day, drive time show in the evening, voice tracked by a breakfast jock. Not the most exciting schedule I know! But now, after an incredible stunt, which myself and many others I know have loved following is over, it feels great to say we have a slightly “Jack FM” formatted station has been born from the Midlands. It is also intriguing to see a little bit of competition emerging for the likes of Free Radio who currently dominate the Coventry listenership.

What does this mean exactly?

Well…First off, focus on breakfast, create a mind-blowing, all out amazing breakfast show, and then…music, and lots of it, with well thought out and executed sweeps which narrate the day without the need for a presenter. Why? Because it sounds good, clean, sharp, and sophisticated. Then pop in a drive time show that sounds just as good as breakfast to get the listeners home. And now what? Completely own the minds of all those in the broadcast region of Coventry and Loughborough and storm the radio scene.

So after such a brave move of 65 hours continuous Queen and this exciting new relaunch of the station, I am very much looking forward to seeing what other tricks, our friends at Quidem, have up their sleeves for Touch and Oak FM in the coming months. Or should I now say the new Touch FM!

And for those of you who may have happened to miss it.. Here is the audio of the relaunch on Oak FM…

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