Seized? Say What?

A normal Friday night is spent listening around to radio stations right? Oh just me?..  Looks as though it was only me who heard this then..

For those of you now confused, this is the broadcast at 17:05pm this evening from Touch FM and Oak FM which are both radio stations based in Loughborough/Coventry.

Okay, so I admit I didn’t actually hear it live, but my gosh would I have loved too! To go from happily singing a bit of NaughtyBoy and Sam Smith to having a creepy voice telling me that the station has been “seized” and I have to come back at 10am on Monday? What on earth is all that about? The best part is, since 17:05 on 21st March when the “Seizure” took place, the only think being played out on the station is the timeless classic Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody. Weird I know…

My question is, can they really play Queen until 10am on Monday? It appears so.

It is currently 1am on Saturday 22nd March as I write this, and guess what, 8 hours into the “Seizure Game” as I am going to call it, they are still playing Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody, with the same creepy sweep every two plays. Gutsy? I think so. Especially when they are going completely all out, not even taking the news at the top of the hour or half past.. I wonder what Ofcom will have to say about that one.

I believe this is an incredibly brave move on Touch and Oak’s behalf and it appears to have been received very well.. so far. But could have easily gone one of to ways. The consistency over their social media and their website is very smooth and very well thought out. I have to give them credit, someone there has been very clever indeed! But my major question is.. What is this all in aid of?

My answer to my question so far, is I absolutely have no idea whatsoever; what I do know though, is I am going to be checking back in with Touch and Oak at various points over this weekend to see how they are getting on and I will most definitely be listening in on monday at 10am to hear what goes down after this brilliant stunt.

If your wanting to check this out yourself their website is –

and their two twitter feeds are here –

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